martedì 22 agosto 2023



The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Il valore di un uomo non si misura nei momenti di agio e benessere, ma in quelli dove affronta sfide e avversità.

(Martin Luther King Jr.)

SKIN: [Skin Arcana] Brad Skin Nutulal(Winter/Moon/Peach/Beige/Tan) -
(thanks for the trust... the first)

HeadphonesBONDI . Zodiac Headphones . 

Forehead: EGX. BOM Caio Forehead Layer (EVO X / ADVX)

HairbaseEGX. BOM Caio Hairbase V2 

Top: FashionNatic - Morocan Top 

Head: LeLUTKA Wade Head

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